
Where are these Denim Labels ?

hEy  guys   ;-) Reposting this interesting article from back ! 

Has been some time since i put a new post on my blog.  Well am back now with an interesting post for you guys,  this was kind of COOL for me and very Interesting.
" I happen to visit   ARVIND DENIM MILL , and got a chance to go to their Denim Library and Archive. The things i saw and found were truly amazing stuff and very old but interesting and new informations. Especially " PICTURES of LOST Denim brands of the WORLD" was the most interesting one  - i had my hand on a very old SPORTSWEAR MAGAZINE  and what i found in it was just COOL Stuff. I had clicked few pictures from the magazine for my record and am sharing with you guys in here, very interesting and informative for denim lovers, designers and addicts   ;-)

  "  LOST Denim brands of the WORLD " 

 So  enjoy and find out more about these denim brands, whether they still exist ?

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