
The official Denimoholic Trend Forecast A/W 2011/12

Still working on the my assignment "Paper to web" Project - Denim Forecast A/W 2011/12.  Two weeks passed and i hardly slept at night, few more illustrations and editing left. Then i should be rolling sooon . ... .

The official Denimoholic Trend Forecast A/W 2011/12 and Spring/Summer 2012 will soon be available online. You can log into www.denimoholic.blogspot.com and subscribe it soon (T & C apply ).

                                :The official Denimoholic's Denim Forecast will provide a comprehensive research based themes for the seasons. Based on the global trends all around the streets of the world, the global market analysis, style books and also street fashion. It would also provide the key looks for the current season, including key details, based on the fashion forecast predictions through the trend analysis and research. Also registered members or subscribers will also be able to download a lot of denim designs, sketches, silhouettes, professionally done according to each themes.

Only a limited and selected company/pupil/brand/studio can subscribe in the early stages.So for pre subscribing or registration please send us request or queries  at below contact detail :

E-mail: denimoholic@gmail.com
Phone: +91 9654737183
           +91 9717696184

Also you can leave us a message on our blog, comments , feedbacks or any other queries.

Paper to web Project - Part two

Just putting some finishing touch to a new style sheet. 

Denim -" Paper to web Project " Forecast AUTUMN-WINTER 2011-12

"Denimoholic says the coming winter look will be a mix and match of Cheap Monday grunge look and the NY, LA street look of PRPS".

 At my desk, working on the coming winter season looks and trends......................

Well while  working with denim for so long, i could have a sense of my work and the design/concept development process. An improvement is evident as far as authenticity and realisation is concerned.

    "A lot of brands have influenced me for a long time and continue to do so, i would have to mention the 3 most evident brand which always keeps me up on my toes".

Cheap Monday with their ever so cool grunge look ( i love the way Örjan Andersson has made the process of denim making a GRAFITTI, i personally feel, they have made it so cool and easy, its like spraying a can and a denim is made ;-D.

 G STAR the brand i have almost grown up with during my school/college. I took an instant liking with G STAR. They specializes in making RAW denim - an unwashed, untreated denim in which all jeans start out as after being constructed. G-Star is influenced by European fashion trends as well as by military clothing.The best aprt about G STAR denims are its multi utility role which makes it really popular among young student crowd, the Inspirations of their designs come from vintage military apparel bought from around the world. Some examples include special mobile-phonepockets and zippered arm pockets on jackets.

A fine piece below, one of my favorite style in recent times.Al most ended up like the style i was working on  ;-D

PRPS  the New York based Luxury brand, first of all i love their connection with Japan, PRPS pieces are supposedly made in Japan with the finest Japanese denims. Founded by former Nike designer  Donwan Harrell the speaks, innovation, uber and perfection. With the kind of wash and designs each pair is worth the DOLLARS spent !

PRPS Spring summer 2010 Look 


PHAAAAAAAAAAAAT GAYEEEEEEE,  dats wat she said when she ( my friend Vinita  ;-D      )
 mentioned about her denim and showed it to me. she has no clue how it happened. lol . Well i was up 3-4 drinks already when she showed the torn part of her denim. Now while writing the post i'm pondering as to, what kind of abrasion would have caused it.I'm assuming, either got rubbed through a thorny bush or got rubbed against a surface with pointed sharp edges.

We all know what it is like to have a favorite pair of treasured jeans that are so comfortable and fit so perfectly that we want to wear them every day. 

 The downside to this pure and beautiful jean-love is that too much wear leads to jeans wearing out – with telltale holes especially around the knees – and then before you know it, you have to either start patching, or search around far and wide to find another pair of jeans as great as your favourite jeans. But now, thanks to “modern fashion” there is a better solution! 

EVERYTHING has become “”cool”” and “”trendy”” all the threadbare patches, broken zippers, and holes in your favorite pair of jeans, patches, or any other torn parts, unless its not at the wrong place    ;-D